Tauchtheorie für Profis
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In the ‘Dive Theory for Professionals’ course, you’ll dive deep into the fascinating world of diving physiology. This section breaks down complex concepts like how your body responds to pressure changes underwater, how gases behave in your tissues, and what to watch out for with conditions like oxygen toxicity, (Tiefenrausch)., and Dekompressionskrankheit.
You’ll explore vital topics such as the role of the circulatory and respiratory systems, recognizing signs of diving-related health issues, and how to prevent them. This knowledge is crucial for any diver, especially those aspiring to become dive professionals, as it helps to keep both you and your students safe.
After completing the ‘physics’ section you’ll be fully prepared for the physics section in the PADI Instructor Exam and confident in applying this knowledge in real-world situations. The ‘Dive Theory for Professionals‘ course is the best way to guarantee success. Passing the physiology exam will be so easy, your brain won’t even need the extra oxygen!
Tauchtheorie für Profis
Bist du bereit, für deine Divemaster- oder Instructor-Prüfungen?
25 abwechslungsreiche Abschnitte.
25 Quizzes mit Erklärungen zu den Fragen, die du verfehlst hast.
3 Übungsprüfungen mit jeweils 60 Fragen.
Try this course for free for 3 days.