Tauchtheorie für Profis
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Decompression theory and RDP
Die ‘Dive Theory for Professionals’ course explains dive theory in a fun and engaging way. In the ‘Decompression theory and RDP’ section you will easily understand the principles behind nitrogen absorption and off-gassing, M-values, halftimes, slow and fast compartments and more.
You’ll see how to plan dives with the RDP and eRDPml. You’ll also learn about essential safety protocols, including how to prevent and manage decompression sickness, which is critical for any professional diver.
By mastering these topics, you will be equipped to not only apply the knowledge yourself but also confidently teach and explain these concepts to your students.
‘Dive Theory for Professionals’ gives you an edge as you prepare for the PADI Instructor Exam or any professional dive challenge ahead. Get ready to dive in!
Tauchtheorie für Profis
Bist du bereit, für deine Divemaster- oder Instructor-Prüfungen?
25 abwechslungsreiche Abschnitte.
25 Quizzes mit Erklärungen zu den Fragen, die du verfehlst hast.
3 Übungsprüfungen mit jeweils 60 Fragen.
Try this course for free for 3 days.